This started Matty off on a story about his favorite song on the iPod. He hilariously told Rob which buttons you push and what play list to go into. I quote "That's how you get to the song daddy. It's like the ones you like. I listen to it every day. Ain't My Bitch." I must say I've never seen Rob's head come up and pay attention that fast. Ever! Rob says what did he say. Matt, Ian and Paige in their extremely high, loud, piping voices all scramble to say "Ain't My Bitch".
It was truly impressive. Rob's face was redder than the red neon bulbs glowing in the ceiling. My eyebrows had disappeared up to my hair line. Sheepishly, Rob explained that it is a Metallica song. I smiled and suggested that perhaps he shouldn't add his play list to my iPod. He turned even redder. hehehe 10 years together and I've never seen him that embarrassed.
It got even better when he told the kids not to mention the song by that name. Even I chimed in with what name should they use? I've never seen anyone so grateful to see a waitress with a tray full of food show up!